Marcia Pensa

Marcia Pensa is a visual artist currently working in oils, and occasionally in acrylics and watercolour. She can be loosely categorized under the heading of realism, with most often a nature theme.

Pensa’s primary interests in her subject matter are composition, point-of-view perspective, and the subtleties of texture and colour to create focus. She is convinced that paintings are meant to be appreciated again and again for a variety of reasons and believes one can discern new elements to enjoy each time a favourite painting is contemplated. A painting is a playground for the eye and the mind and should bring a sense of satisfaction and pleasure, with a measure of tension.

Through her travel experiences and responses to landscape, genre, and still life, Pensa’s goal is to create works that bring the viewer into the painting through her own visual door.

As a member of both the Association of Port Stanley Artists (APSA) and the St. Thomas-Elgin Artists’ Guild, there are numerous opportunities for Pensa’s artwork to be both exhibited and sold. A most significant display can be found at the Windjammer Inn Restaurant in Port Stanley Ontario, which features the original work by the APSA group exclusively and usually includes several of Pensa’s works.


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